Because 'StereoMovie Player' (SMP) uses DirectShow, it supports any video FileTypes that can be replayed with 'WindowsMedia Player' (such as MPEG, AVI, WMV).
SMP supports numerous stereo file-types such as Side-by-Side, Above/Below and Interlaced. For stereo display, The Movies may be free-viewed side-by-side (parallel or cross-eyed), various monochrome or color Anaglyph modes, vertically-interlaced for the Sharp 3D LCD and horizontally-interlaced or page-flipped for shutter-glasses.
Ver0.31 -> 0.40
'StereoMovie Player' (SMP) now also supports nVidia 3D Vision and the iZ3D monitor.
The synchronisation problem when choosing Fuji 3D-AVI or opening L/R Movies(W) been fixed.